Time flies when you are having fun (or when you are sleep deprived!) ... it's hard to believe but we have already owned our home for seven months and Margaret is already four months old! Today a quick update on both :o)
First the house. We still love our house and it makes me smile every time I pull into the driveway. We are on hold with most work on the house with the cold weather and instead have been making plans for what to tackle when the weather warms up. The cold temperatures (minus 30 last weekend) has brought a few new adventures. We have awoken to frozen pipes in the kitchen and bathroom, but all resolved with a heat gun and warmer weather.
Our chickens have a new home too! They have grown so much in just a month that the brooder was no longer big enough. Their new home has a ladder and more space to move and roam. They will live in the barn until the spring.
Margaret turned four months old at the beginning of February. She continues to grow and her personality is really developing. She loves to smile at people especially when we are out shopping or at church. At the doctor's this past week, she was weighing just over 15 pounds. She is making lots of noises, rolling over and showing interest in everything that goes on around her. She graduated from the bassinet to her crib too!
She has been loving school and her Tuesday's at Auntie Katie's. This past week, she started drinking from the bottle too.
Fun at Primrose School
Fun with Auntie Katie
Love it!