Sunday, January 10, 2021

Saying goodbye to 2020

There are so many words to describe the past year, but for today I’ll choose growth. This past year our garden grew an abundance of delicious produce, our children grew into 5 and 2 year olds full of wonder and energy, and our second floor renovations grew by another room. 

Since we were working from home, David was able to take advantage of lunch breaks and the commute time to work on the garden. The results was beautiful flowers and lots of great, fresh produce. We had an abundance of cucumbers (we made lots of pickles!), tomatoes, pumpkins and peppers plus beans, cabbages, celery, blueberries and potatoes. 



Upstairs we have made significant progress on the second room. My dad gutted, insulated and dry walled the room and new hallway. Originally the two rooms above the kitchen and parlor were connected by a door. You could only get to the second room by walking through the first. Knowing this would not work for a bedroom, we designed a new hallway and door placement. The new hallway allows access to the craft room and a distinct bedroom for Harrison. 

This is how the space looked when we bought the house. Before finishing the craft room, we closed up the door on the left, remove the closet on the right and added a door there.

In the next photo, you can see the new door and the closed up door (on the far left).

Here the hall is all dry walled and ready to paint. We added new windows and increased the ceiling like the craft room. Definitely makes the space feel more spacious!


Now we have the challenge of choosing a wall color ... I'm leaning towards green.


A few highlights from the seasons and growing children... spring, fall and winter holidays.

A new fence around the bee hives and lots of wildflowers which love the bee's pollination.

Helping with the ducks and chickens. We lost one of our three new ducks, but the remaining female is now laying eggs daily.

Festive fall decor and our annual entry in the town scarecrow contest (A covid work at home zoom call)

A new swing set perfect for climbing and exploring!



The house decorated for the holidays.

In 2021, we look forward to more demolition and rebuilding on the second floor. Hopefully heat and bathrooms will be started by the end of the year! 

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